Esperanza Gallego

Esperanza Gallego

Professor of the Department of Commercial Law and Procedural Law at the University of Alicante

Esperanza Gallego Sánchez is Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Alicante. She is a permanent member of the General Codification Commission, Commercial Law Section. She is also a member of the special section of the same Commission for the reform of the Insolvency Law. In his professional career, he has from the outset combined teaching and research work with the practical practice of law. His scientific work covers the most important areas of Commercial Law, such as Company Law, Insolvency Law, Commercial Contracts and Intellectual Property Law. She directs a research group of excellence made up of more than twenty researchers financed by several successive projects of the Ministry of Education and the Generalitat Valenciana and is a member of the Boards of the most important journals specialising in the most important sectors of Commercial Law. She is Director of the Master in Industrial and Intellectual Property Law and Information Society Law at the University of Alicante and a member of the Institute of Tourism. She has been a substitute and seconded judge at the Provincial Courts of Madrid and Alicante.

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