Jean-David Malo, Director of the Executive Agency for EIC and SMEs (EISMEA)

Jean-David Malo, Director of the Executive Agency for EIC and SMEs (EISMEA)

Director of the Executive Agency for EIC and SMEs (EISMEA)

Jean-David Malo became Head of Unit in charge of regional aspects in DG R&I (2006-2010) and of the unit (2011-2013) in charge of increasing private finance and closing market gaps by expanding existing EU innovative financial instruments (see RSFF) and by developing new ones in the fields of debt (including guarantees) and equity financing (InnovFin). Horizon 2020SMEs was also addressed by the unit (i.e. EUROSTARS II, SME Instrument and the Fast Track to Innovation). Director for Open Innovation and Open Science in 2017, he designed and expanded initiatives such as the VentureEU Initiative and the RDI dimension under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) among other things. In 2019 following the European Council’s request to set up the European Innovation Council (EIC), he became Director of the EIC Task Force. Since April 2021 he is the Director of the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA).

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