Teresa Riesgo, Secretary General for Innovation of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Teresa Riesgo, Secretary General for Innovation of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Secretary General for Innovation of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of the Government of Spain

Teresa Riesgo has an extensive career in academia, research and university management. She has held key roles as Director of the Centre for Industrial Electronics and Deputy Director of Research and International Relations at the ETSII-UPM. Most recently, she took over the direction of the Department of Automatics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Industrial Informatics. Since 2003, she has represented the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in the TIME network (Top Industrial Managers in Europe), being part of its management committee. In addition, he actively participates in various advisory committees, such as UniBasq, the ACSUCyL Institutional Quality Assessment Committee and the Advisory Committee of the Teaching and Institutional Assessment Division of ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation).

Speaker Agenda

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Speaker Agenda

Main Stage

Opening Ceremony

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