Victor Arribas

Victor Arribas

Stream Leader Diversity & Transformation, European Patent Office

Economist, currently working as a member of the Patent and Technology Observatory team at the European Patent Office (EPO). The Observatory conducts economic research, organizes events, and develops data tools to better understand and discuss the future of innovation, making its insights accessible to the entire European innovation ecosystem. Alongside full-time work at the EPO, he collaborates on entrepreneurship research at INSEAD. He holds a Master’s degree in European Economic Studies from the College of Europe (Summa Cum Laude) and is an alumnus of Sciences Po and UCL (Cum Laude). His specialization lies in the economics of innovation, with a particular focus on industrial, business, and technological policy in Europe. He has completed a research residency on business creation policies at the Impact Hub in Vienna and has experience as an innovation consultant and as a jury member for innovation competitions. He is also a co-founder of the College of Europe Think Tank – Bruges Student Institute on the Future of Europe, which works on EU foresight policy. He thrives in multicultural environments and is fluent in six languages.

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